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Winetraders is an importer and distributor specialising in high-quality Italian estate wines. Established in 1997 and based in Oxfordshire we sell both in the UK and in other countries including Canada, Scandinavia, and Australia. In our opinion, Italy is currently the most interesting wine producer in the world. Her unique combination of grape varieties and terroir linked to the native creativity of the Italian soul provides today's wine drinker with a fascinating alternative to the inundation of technically correct but deathly dull branded wines from the irrigated vineyards of the New World. It would be impossible for the country that brought you Ferrari and Ducati, Alessi and Gucci not to have, somewhere within its borders, a winemaker who shared a similar passion for excellence.

Of course, there are but the Italians, no fools, prefer to drink these wines themselves. For decades the appalling examples of Soave and Chianti that have besmirched the wine list of every pizzeria from Shanghai to San Francisco have spoken much more eloquently about the economic migrants who chose to leave the world's most beautiful country than about those who stayed behind.

The estates which we have chosen are based on hundreds of visits to every corner of this fascinating peninsula over the course of the past two decades. Each producer creates wines that reflect his or her unique terroir within the context of the 2,500 years of winemaking heritage.

Grunge Glass of Wine

The profusion of native grape varieties and denominations that strikes terror into the heart of every wine student and sends every supermarket shopper scuttling to the Australian section must not be seen as a hurdle that Italy must overcome. It is an opportunity that must be seized.

We live in a world where information is prized over understanding; people crave facts rather than knowledge. The UK consumer is in desperate need of education and not only about wine but also about food.  The meteoric rise in wine consumption in the past ten years has not been built on the back of a more savvy wine drinker as the supermarkets would lead us to believe.

Yesterday's Liebfraumilch devotee is today's Chardonnay girl and the shops are as bereft of real choice as they ever were; brands drive footfall and the supermarkets list the category leaders. We want to change that.

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